
Physics School Les Houches: Nanoscale Radiative Heat Transfer


Physics School Les Houches

Aims and Scope:

This school project aims to offer to its participants an introduction into the state of the art in the research field of thermal radiation at the nanoscale. It is widely open to physicist, chemists as well as engineers (PhD students, postdocs, professors) interested in the field and the ways to modify and tailor the thermal radiation emitted both in far and near field by nanostructured materials. The program of the school will be organized in a series of lectures (typically 1 hour) given by internationally recognized personalities in theoretical or experimental research in near-field thermal radiation. These lectures will give beside a pedagogical introduction into the field an overview of present development, new insights and novel result in theory as well as a survey of the experimental measurements in the field.

Beside the invited lectures, participants can also contribute with an oral presentation. Furthermore, a poster session will be organized in order to present the most recent works and discuss on a more informal platform. The participants are invited to propose contributions for this purpose.

Organizing Commitee:

Group Photo Les Houches 2013:

Group photo Les Houches 2013

Physics School Les Houches
Last modified: Feb 27 2013