Condensed Matter Theory
Daniel Grieser Surface plasmon resonances of an arbitrarily shaped nanoparticle
- Author(s): Daniel Grieser, Felix Rüting
- Title: Surface plasmon resonances of an arbitrarily shaped nanoparticle: high-frequency asymptotics via pseudo-differential operators
- Date of Upload: 2009-03-12
- Article: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 135204, Institute of physics (IOP)
- Keywords: surface plasmon, nanoparticle, Dirichlet–Neumann operator, pseudo-differential operator
- PACS: 41.20.Cv, 73.20.Mf
- Abstract:
- We study the surface plasmon modes of an arbitrarily shaped nanoparticle in the electrostatic limit. We first deduce an eigenvalue equation for these modes, expressed in terms of the Dirichlet–Neumann operators. We then use the properties of these pseudo-differential operators for deriving the limit of the high-order modes.
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