Condensed Matter Theory
Weiss, Christoph Photon-assisted tunneling in optical lattices: Ballistic transport of interacting boson pairs
- Author(s): Weiss, Christoph, Breuer, Heinz-Peter
- Title: Photon-assisted tunneling in optical lattices: Ballistic transport of interacting boson pairs
- Date of Upload: 2009-06-02
- Article: Phys. Rev. A 79, 2 (2009) 023608
- Keywords: Bose-Einstein condensation, optical lattice, photon-assisted tunneling
- PACS: 03.75.Lm, 03.65.Xp
- Abstract:
- In a recent experiment [PRL 100, 040404 (2008)] an analog of photon-assisted tunneling has been observed for a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice subject to a constant force plus a sinusoidal shaking. Contrary to previous theoretical predictions, the width of the condensate was measured to be proportional to the square of the effective tunneling matrix element, rather than a linear dependence. For a simple model of two interacting bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice, both analytical and numerical calculations indicate that such a transition from a linear to a quadratic dependence can be interpreted through the ballistic transport and the corresponding exact dispersion relation of bound boson pairs.
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