Condensed Matter Theory
Dave Boers Bogoliubov speed of sound for a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate in a 3d optical lattice
- Author(s): Dave Boers, Christoph Weiss, Martin Holthaus
- Title: Bogoliubov speed of sound for a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate in a 3d optical lattice
- Date of Upload: 2004-08-02
- Article: Europhys. Lett. 67, 887 (2004), European Physical Society
- Keywords:
- Abstract:
- We point out that the velocity of propagation of sound wavepackets in a Bose-Einstein condensate filling a three-dimensional cubic optical lattice undergoes a maximum with increasing lattice depth. For a realistic choice of parameters, the maximum sound velocity in a lattice condensate can exceed the sound velocity in a homogeneous condensate with the same average density by 30%. The maximum falls into the superfluid regime, and should be observable under currently achievable laboratory conditions.
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