Condensed Matter Theory
D. V. Scheible Periodic field emission from an isolated nano-scale electron island
- Author(s): D. V. Scheible, C. Weiss, J. P. Kotthaus, R. H. Blick
- Title: Periodic field emission from an isolated nano-scale electron island
- Date of Upload: 2004-09-14
- Article: Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 186801 (2004), APS
- Keywords:
- Abstract:
- We observe field emission from an isolated nano-machined gold island. The island is able to mechanically oscillate between two facing electrodes, which provide recharging and detection of the emission current. We are able to trace and reproduce the transition from current flow through a rectangular tunneling barrier to the regime of field emission. A theoretical model via a master-equation reproduces the experimental data and shows deviation from the Fowler-Nordheim description due to the island's electric isolation.
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