Condensed Matter Theory
J. Pade s-wave pseudopotential for anisotropic traps
- Author(s): J. Pade, M. Block, M. Holthaus
- Title: s-wave pseudopotential for anisotropic traps
- Date of Upload: 2003-12-19
- Article: Phys. Rev. A 68, 063402 (2003), aps
- Keywords: anisotropic traps, pseudopotential
- PACS: 32.80.Pj, 03.65.Ge, 03.65.Nk
- Abstract:
- Starting from two identical, interacting particles in an isotropic harmonic trap, we employ first-order perturbation theory to derive the effective s-wave pseudopotential operator for a weakly anisotropic trap. It is shown that such a confinement gives rise to a correction of the s-wave scattering length which is proportional to the square of the ratio of the bare scattering length and the oscillator length. The trap pseudopotential depends on the quantum number of the trapped state, and the effect of a weak anisotropy is dominated by its nearest neighbors. Some implications for experiments with cold bosons in tightly confining potentials are discussed briefly.
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