Condensed Matter Theory
Martin Block Pseudopotential approximation in a harmonic trap
- Author(s): Martin Block, Martin Holthaus
- Title: Pseudopotential approximation in a harmonic trap
- Date of Upload: 2002-09-03
- Article: Phys. Rev. A 65, 052102 (2002), APS
- Keywords: pseudopotential approximation, harmonic trap,
- PACS: 03.65.Ge, 03.65.Nk, 32.80.Pj
- Abstract:
- We construct the pseudopotential for two particles subjected to an isotropic harmonic trapping potential while interacting through a hard-sphere potential, and demonstrate that this trap pseudopotential reduces to the standard zero range interaction when the ratio of the hard-sphere diameter and the oscillator length is small. We also show that the standard approximation, even when applied to tight traps, is surprisingly accurate.
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